Saturday, February 27, 2010

fresh air.

We REALLY needed some today. It has been SO cold and windy in our northern southern state of Texas. Too cold to venture outside for more than a minute or two. Today the cabin fever built up to the point of explosion. We left our house and went to the park. Hallelujah.

Ashton was not at all excited to be there.

Our neighbor (and one of Ashton's favorite people in the world) Aidan.DSC_0031p
Emory concentrating hard on getting dirt onto the slide that she parked herself on.
All three kids on the same ladder.
First Aidan. Easily accomplished it.
Then Ashton. He needed help.
Finally, Emory. She is too big for her britches.
DSC_0058p DSC_0043pDSC_0027p

I didn't get too many pics of the sassafras because she spent most of her time doing one of the two things pictured below. I spent most of my time redirecting her.


Hoping that this is our first of many more trips to come in the NEAR future...

Friday, February 26, 2010


Best buds, that is.

This is Zoe.

Zoe makes Ashton do this.

Zoe lives two houses down from us and is a whole 1/2 year older than Ashton. She is imaginative, assertive, loving, and absolutely adorable. I love that she teaches Ashton how to "cook" pancakes, sushi and corn (all in one bowl) in the "kitchen", kisses and loves all over Emory, and puts her foot down if Ashton tries to swipe something she had first.

Ashton + Zoe 4 ever ♥

Thursday, February 25, 2010

plain jane

And I kinda like it!

I came home today to find my little sassafras with her hair like this. Lupita (nanny extraordinaire) or "Tita" as she is known around these parts, decided to take action against Emory's big, bouffant, bulky bows (say that three times). And I think I like it! She looks so sweet and dainty in her little barrette. This may not be the last time we dawn this look ;)

Go Tita!

Emory and her Tita...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I think I'll go get Ashton's hair cut today...

What do you think?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

clues and cues

My first clue that Emory was ready for her nap today was when her bow was like this and she didn't care.
My next clue was when she sat down like this and watched the weather channel for about five minutes straight.

And my final clue was when I was preparing her naptime bottle, (yes, she stills gets a bottle. I know.) she climbed up on the couch and did this.

When I came back out from putting Emory down for her nap, Ashton announced that he would like chocolate cake for lunch. This is his pleeeaaaaasssssseeeeee face.

I said no. That was his cue.

But, as always, this is what I will remember most about our day.

Friday, February 19, 2010


The number of different uses I have found for baby wipes. I. love. them. I have found that they are not just good for wiping a sweet little bottom clean and un-caking frozen blueberries off a certain sassy face. (side note- my children partially survive off of frozen blueberries during the non seasonal months. They are always frozen at their peak and serve as great pop in your mouth treats as well as teething soothers. Sometimes I puree them and freeze them in disposable mini solo cups with rounded toothpicks stuck in the middle, as a popsicle. They are MESSY.) I digress. "Grab a wipe" has become a mantra in my household. Be it a sticky syrup droplet on the kitchen floor, a hardened toothpaste dab in the bathroom sink (John), dust just about anywhere (I have found that they truly work just as well and keep the dust away just as long as a pledge wipe!), the dog's muddy paws, or even crayon marks in the shower. Grab a wipe. I keep a "refill" pack with the resealable top in every room. Target brand is my absolute favorite. One side is soft and one side is textured, which is great for the jobs that require a little elbow grease :) I also love the idea of a quick clean up without spraying a lot of chemicals into the air that my sweet munchkins breathe. Now, don't get me wrong. Some things just need a good dose of Clorox. Or Windex. Or Pinesol. But for all the in between jobs... grab a wipe.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


That is what I experienced when I saw this. Absolute and total nausea. Ashton skipped into the kitchen this morning, smiling and announced, "marker!!!" I turned around from the sink to see his devilish mischevious little hands COVERED in black "marker"; also known as a permanant sharpie. He said, "Come on, Mommy!!!!" and ran to the guest bathroom.

And that's when I saw this. Nausea.

John was hanging some frames for me in this bathroom, as part of a total overhaul
and re-organization project. He had a sharpie on the counter to help mark the holes that he planned to drill. I am now feeling that I should post an "after" post when it is done. The sharpie actually came right off with the help of Clorox Clean up (my tried and true go to for anything and everything).

Monday, February 15, 2010

one of those mornings

Do you ever feel like this?
Ashton announced this morning that "Ashon sick". "Ashon go lay down in chair mom".

And he did. So pitiful. Please God tell me that we are not in for another round of illnesses.

Thankfully Emory was here to help this morning while I tended to the patient. Like her nightgown? It was my mom's.

Jackson decided to do this for the ten millionth time this week.

He then got the heck out of dodge.

Welcome to a morning at the Kerr household!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


That is what Emory Anne has done to her daddy. Wrapped him around her little finger. Behold the sassy pant's Valentine's day present from her daddio.

After rigourous mechanical testing

she decided to try it out.

Jury's still out :) More to come later!
Happy Valentine's Day Y'all!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

these boots were made for walkin

And that's just what he's gonna try to do!

Who said rainy days had to be dreary?

Whoopie Sandwiches

I started out making these for Ashton's class. Tomorrow is the Valentine's Party at his school. His *first* Valentine's party. (cue mommy getting so excited over Ashton's first V day party that she attempts something WAY over her head.) Everything started off great.
First, I mixed these up in a mixing bowl.
Then, I creamed these together in my standing mixer.

Next, I blended these in gently.

I then got festive and used this to pour in the buttermilk.

Finally, I squirted in a whole bunch of this and mixed it all up with the dry ingredients.

And then, disaster ensued. These were supposed to be hearts. After the first 5 weren't working out, and I was sweating, I decided to improvise. So I ended up with these. Yeah, I'm messy.

They actually came out looking pretty good! So, I decided to continue with my improvisation. I cut them in half and then cut off the edges to give them more of a sandwich feel.

Emory helped me discard of the little edges that I cut off. Yes, she was still in her pajamas. Yes, it was noon. It is pouring rain today and 40 degrees outside. Great day to stay in and bake in our PJ's all day!

After the "sandwiches" were cut, I "whipped" up (ha) the cream cheese icing. I added two drops of the red food coloring to it to give it this pinkish tint.

Then, I assembled.

And tried not to eat too many of the cut off edges.

They are all packaged up and ready to go for tomorrow!
When Ashton wakes up from his nap we are going to decorate and address Valentine's cards for all of his classmates. Not until I became a parent did I realize just how emotional the small milestones can make you.