Monday, October 31, 2011

2 more days.

Can't decide whether to keep this post light and happy or unload what I'm really feeling about this little milestone birthday.  I think I'll unload.  Sorry ;)  To say I am having a hard time with little Haysie's upcoming birthday is a bit understated.  I'm kinda a mess.  Hayes is my last baby.  Those words are even hard to type.  Things feel final. Definitive. Ending.  John is so content with this.  He is ready to raise up our children in the way that they should go and savor every moment and memory along the way.  Me?  I want to cross my arms and pout (and cry ad naseum).  No more rocking in silence for comfort, no more baby fat rolls, no more goo's and gaa's, no more tiny toes, no more...  Two more days.  I promise, next post will be filled with happiness and glee courtesy of the big first birthday.  I know these weepy moments will pass.  Poor Hayes - he is totally going to be taking his prom pics while I'm wailing, taking pictures, repeatedly wiping lipstick off his cheek and telling everyone how cute he was as a baby.  ;)

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Monday, October 24, 2011


My little chefs.  We made pumpkin cream cheese cupcakes.  When making multi-step baking items with your four and two year olds, expect a mess.  A big one.  A "Omg, what was I thinking?  I'm going to be cleaning cream cheese and flour out of every crevis of this kitchen for the next ten years!" kinda mess.  But those usually are the best kinds.  The memory making kind.  I love these two little best friends.  They are so dang excited to be wearing their aprons.  And even more excited to helping with such an important project.  Ashton would say, "Ok, Emory, it's your turn to pour the eggs in!!" and she would reply, "Oh boy!!!!" and so on and so forth.  Two little giggle box mess makers.  The pumpkin cupcakes turned out sweet. Life is sweeter.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Festival

We are loving our first Fall in Macon.  The leaves change colors, the temperature dips into the 60's by early October and pumpkins and mums are overflowing everywhere you look.  Beautiful.  The way Fall should be.  We went to our first Fall festival last week at Emory's school.  It was such a good time.  If I could put a positive spin on the fact that we haven't really made any good friends yet, it would be that daddy and I have been enjoying having lots of "firsts" and "experiences" with our little family of five.

Haysie and Daddy

Snow cones!  When asked what flavor she would like, Emory said, "pink, please".  She settles for "puwple".

This Fall fest had a Chick-fil-a tent!  Welcome to Georgia!!  Bouncing, playing festival games and eating lots of sugar makes for a tired sassafras.

Fun was had by all!  Can't wait for our next Fall festival this week at Ashton's school!

Monday, October 10, 2011


We are in Tallahassee right now. One of the best things about living three hours away is jetting "home" whenever we darn well please. Fabulous, really. It is rainy, the kids are watching Mickey Mouse (still in their pj's) and I was searching through my mama's archived pictures. What better time to do a little back blogging?! Ashton's first FSU football game. A historic day in our household. I know a certain daddy and certain papa that had probably dreamed about that very day many, many times.  Thank you mom for bringing your camera!  So glad I found these!  :)

We started the day off right with a tailgate.  Ashton honed in on this bag of chips and when Papa asked if he could have one, Ashton said, "No thanks, Papa."  After I assured him that the bag would be taken swiftly away if he didn't share, he obliged and broke off the teeny, tiny tip of one chip and handed it to Papa.  Serious as a heart attack with his chips. 

The band was warming up near our tailgate.  Daddy took him over to listen.

As if his first game wasn't exciting enough, Ashton had a super special treat in store.  He got to walk on the field with Papa for Alumni player appreciation day.  He was pumped. 
On their way in...

NOT a flattering picture, but wanted to preserve the moment.  Aunt Tatie and baby Hagen ;)

Practicing his three point stance while they wait.  Just like the "senimole" players.


Waving to adoring fans is tiring work.  Especially when it's past your nap time. 

My fave.  Also my mom's new screen saver.

Very special moment for daddy and Ashton.  Their first of many football games together.  Notice Ashton's wardrobe change.  Grammie and Papa bought him his very own jersey.  Future "Senimole".

Ashton took this pic of daddy and Uncle Tripp during a lapse in excitement on the field.

His favorite thing about the outing.  Junk food.  And lots of it...  A huge treat for this primarily organic eating little man.

It really was a wonderful day.  He lasted until 7 minutes were left in the game - I couldn't believe it. 

This is the first of many Seminole games to come.  As Ashton yelled repeatedly all throughout the game...  Go Noles!  Scalp 'em!!!!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


I didn't mean for it to be a nostalgic weekend. But it got cold. And Hayes has decided to break the "Kerr mold" and grow as if he were training for some sort of freak baby Olympics. He's big. Big enough to be wearing Ashton's 18m and 2T clothes.  SO - I had to break out the trunk of Ashton's Fall baby clothes. They were folded so neatly. No stains, no wrinkles, no "wear". Remnants of a mama with one baby. A mama who had time to neatly fold and stack clothes in a bin. I truly couldn't help but feel a stinging, emotional swell in my chest. Memories of "Baby Ashton" wearing his corduroy osh kosh overalls, starting to waddle and babble, combined with feelings of "How is this possible?!" when thinking of Baby Hayes now babbling in the same corduroy overalls. Sheesh. It was a bit overwhelming. Honestly, every milestone with Hayes seems to become quite overwhelming for me. I haven't really figured out why. Last baby? Conjures memories of when first two were babies? Not sure. Daddy thinks I am certifiable when he finds me blubbering away over a swaddling blanket or old paci or, yes, cordoury overalls. Hopefully this passes.

Our first true Fall weekend in Macon. Ahhh. Pumpkin spice lattes, wagon rides, enjoyable yard work and food from the crock pot. True bliss.
Is it weird that I am going about this post and not mentioning the fact that I haven't blogged in well over a month? Happy Fall Y'all!