Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Wait Is Over!

I have been waiting patiently until today to share the news that....


Emory is going to be a big sister!!! Kerr baby #3 will be debuting this November. We are overjoyed and so excited :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

boo boo

Ashton seems to get one every single day. Really. I know it's normal. He's two. Bruises and scrapes are going to happen. But if this is what he looks like at two, I do not think I can handle football and baseball games. I am going to be "that" mom. The overly cautious one that jumps up and embarrasses her child every time he weebles or wobbles. I don't want to be that mom. But look...


The best part is, he is always "ok". This is what he says when he falls. He jumps up (sometimes crying...and bleeding) and says repeatedly, "Ashon ok, mommy. Ashon ok." And he usually is. And so am I after I remove my heart from my throat, where it tends to jump during times of peril. So, I guess this is just the life of a boy. And the life of a mama of a boy. Sigh.

And don't worry about his little battle wounds causing him pain. He is VERY proud of every scrape, scratch, bruise and ding. His "boo boos".

Monday, April 05, 2010


We had a fabulous Easter... all things considered. "All things" would be Emory Anne's FOUR teeth that are coming in. Poor little thing. Her teeth caused a very high fever and ultimately resulted in an ear infection. Thank goodness for amazing grandparents! My parents and John's mom made the trek over from Tallahassee. We were SO escactic they were here. John's mom (Memaw) sat up most of the night before Easter with her sweet, sick, sassy grandbaby. My mom (Grammie) colored eggs with Ashton and my dad (Papa) wore Ashton and Emory out playing every day that they were here. Other than coloring eggs, we had the Grand Opening for daddy's new office complex (whole other post to come on that), dressed up to hunt Easter eggs (although E's fever prevented us from going to church), played, played, and played some more. It was just such a blessing to have them here.
