Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texas Heat

The only way that we can take a MORNING walk these days! Naked (them, not me, of course), with ice water in their sippy cups. We left this morning at 7:30 and the temp was already in the upper 80's! Come on, Fall...


Thursday, August 06, 2009

Just a test

Testing uploading a pic from Flickr...


Big, Honky Camera

I've been breaking out the "big, honky" camera lately. My "Power zoom" is broken. Forgot what great pics it takes. Here are a few that I really dig the lighting in.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Emory Anne is teething like CRAZY. She is constantly sucking on her bottom lip for comfort, and I am keeping tylenol and teething gel handy. She went from having 2 teeth to having 6 whole teeth in 24 hours. She is so cute with her mouth full of chicklets; I just can't get her to show them. Here are two of my failed attempts at trying to get a "non-lip-sucking" picture...