Monday, March 28, 2011

ribbit ribbit.

Meet the happiest baby in the world. If he isn't smiling, he's laughing. If he isn't smiling or laughing, he's hungry ;) He just butters my biscuit... 025029

Sunday, March 27, 2011


great friends + great food + lots of kids + wine + lots of laughing =

our Tallahassee crew potlucks!

Right before Spring Break, we got together with (some) of our Tally friends for a little fun and fellowship. We all brought a dish, which really allowed for everyone to relax and visit, instead of the host being stuck in the kitchen the whole time! The kids played and played and played and played while the adults caught up and enjoyed some rare conversation that didn't include the words "potty", "chick-fil-a" or "Dora"! Wonderful night spent with wonderful people.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

they're tight.

They already have such a bond. Daddy walks into the room, and this boy lights up like the sky on the 4th of July. The feeling is quite mutual, rest assured. I officially become chopped liver (until the little bit gets hungry). Wonder if their bond is so strong because when they look at each other, it's like looking in the mirror! Big daddy and mini daddy.
Teething much?! Those hands rarely leave his mouth...


night and day

That is to say, Ashton and Emory. Night and day. Love the "boy vs. girl" tendencies of these two. Although inseparable and best friends (for now life), their little personalities are continuing to mold and form in such different ways. Love it. Case in point: the beach.

Emory walked on her tiptoes, hands turned out in the "sassy position" repeating the words "ewww" and "sandy" for her first little beach venture of the season. She eventually was persuaded to enjoy herself with the help of a hot pink bucket and the promise of finding the perfect "she-shell".

Ashton. Oh Ashton. How is possible that you are this old? All boy and too sweet for sugar. With all the beach toys that were provided, he was as happy as a clam with his McDonald's "Aqua-man" happy meal toy. He ran full force into the waves, yelling "Super Ashton!!". Totally fearless. My hero. My superhero.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

spring break and the livin' is easy

The fun is flowing in Florida! The kids are enjoying every little minute of huge, scratch made breakfasts, staying up (a little bit) past their bedtimes, getting extra books read by Papa before bedtime, picnic lunches on the screened back patio, LOTS of outdoor playtime and suckering Grammie and Papa into just about anything else their little hearts desire just by batting their eyelashes ;) We are doing lots of...







Saturday, March 12, 2011

we made it...

safe and sound! The kids and I made the 12 hour drive to Tallahassee yesterday... alone. It was awesome. They did fabulous and we made it in record time. The only hiccup was that poor Emory was blessed with the stomach bug for the first part of the drive. Yep - she had the "throw-ups" for the first five hours. I really just had to laugh while on a road trip, without daddy (for the first time), cleaning up vomit at rest stops. I mean, what are the odds. Anyway...I digress. We made it!!! Not sure which one of us was happiest to see Grammie and Papa. Grammie had a hot dinner waiting on us and the big, white toy chest was beckoning. After a wonderful dinner and a little play time, we bathed the "big kids" and put them to bed. Baby Hayes got some special bath and play time with Grammie and then winded down for the night by watching some FSU basketball with his Papa (yes, I know that I should not have let my infant stare at a television screen). SO good to be home!


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

sick day.

Big brother was a bit of night owl last night. He had a little fever and was a bit restless. SO, today he is hanging out with mommy and baby Hayes while sassy pants soaks up some learnin' at school. We had a little photo shoot after breakfast and I think he has his mama's personality in front of the camera: total ham. I love it.

This is how we spend our sick days.

No clue where these jammies came from.
The ultimate big brother. LOVES him some baby Hayes...044

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

love the man in brown...

the UPS man, that is! He came today and brought me my new camera. Thank you sweet man in brown. This is what we were up to tonight, courtesy of my brand spanking new toy...

Ashton and daddy doing what they do best. He has really been loving his daddy lately. Wants him to read nighttime books, and says at least twice a day that he needs a snack so he can eat it and grow big and strong like daddy. As daddy said tonight after tucking him in, "they don't come much sweeter". No, no they don't.

This one is a laugh a minute lately. Her repertoire of vocabulary continues to expand ;) Walking is so last week for this sweet babe. Hopping, or, "popping" as she calls it, is all the rave this week. She "pops" everywhere... while yelling "POP!" with every little jump. Headstrong + huge blue eyes = my sassy girl. I think I kiss her cheeks more times in a day than she bats those big blues.

Baby Hayes hanging out, looking dapper in his pink bumbo. Just one of the 50+ items pink items that he inherited from his sister. I wonder what he will call the older two Kerr kiddos... Currently Emory calls Ashton "Ash-ee". Purty cute, except for when she yells for him to come get her out of her room at 5:00 am.. "Ash-ee!!! Need you!!" He, of course, always comes to her rescue. Yeah, mornings come early around here. Baby Hayes is sporting apples and rice cereal on his onsie!!! So exciting! He had his first little taste last night and loved it. Tonight was equally successful. Such a chowhound. I totally think it's my awesome cooking. ;) Yep, the babycook is making a repeat performance! We also had his four month check up yesterday and he measured 75% for height, weight and head. Big boy ;) Hayes - you could not possibly be any cuter... or sweeter. Seriously.