Saturday, March 12, 2011

we made it...

safe and sound! The kids and I made the 12 hour drive to Tallahassee yesterday... alone. It was awesome. They did fabulous and we made it in record time. The only hiccup was that poor Emory was blessed with the stomach bug for the first part of the drive. Yep - she had the "throw-ups" for the first five hours. I really just had to laugh while on a road trip, without daddy (for the first time), cleaning up vomit at rest stops. I mean, what are the odds. Anyway...I digress. We made it!!! Not sure which one of us was happiest to see Grammie and Papa. Grammie had a hot dinner waiting on us and the big, white toy chest was beckoning. After a wonderful dinner and a little play time, we bathed the "big kids" and put them to bed. Baby Hayes got some special bath and play time with Grammie and then winded down for the night by watching some FSU basketball with his Papa (yes, I know that I should not have let my infant stare at a television screen). SO good to be home!



Jennifer said...
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Katherine said...

A little birdie told me you were home!!!! Let's get together...would love to see you guys!

Katie said...

You DID it! You are amazing! xoxo
PS Hagen loves the tv too, oops :)

Autumn Mayfield said...

Wow! This is have set a new bar for traveling with tots. Glad you are in town! We are headed out of town on Friday - boo! Also, I am so glad you got your new camera! I love seeing your beautiful children {and your great pictures}! Have a great week...