Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A Daily Occurrence...

Romping. A daily occurrence at the Kerr Household. Specifically Daddy and Ashton romping. Ashton LOVES when daddy tickles him and flips him upside down and "counts his ribs". I love watching my boys laugh uncontrollably at each other. After the romping, there is always a rest time. For daddy's sake, not Ashton's :)

Ashton Kerr, Chef Extraordinaire!

Ashton helped me cook dinner tonight :) It was SO sweet! He was such a great little chef. We made roasted chicken and vegetables. I pulled his step stool into the kitchen, from the bathroom, and he climbed right up and quietly watched me chop carrots, potatoes asparagus and celery. Daddy had already cut up our chicken when he came home for lunch, so I had the chicken pieces placed in the dish. After I cut everything up, Ashton helped me spread all the veggies around the chicken, and was SO into his job. He would take a piece of carrot and look all around the dish before deciding exactly where he wanted to put it. After we were done with that, I gave him a herb seasoning and let him shake it over everything. Then we went out to the garden and picked some thyme and rosemary. I brought him back in (after being temporarily distracted by his slide; hey, chefs need breaks too!) and let him set the garden herbs on top of everything. It was such a fun experience and I can't wait to do it again and again!!!! Oh, and on a side note, dinner turned out delicious!! As Ashton would say... Go, Ashton, Go!!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Aunt Emily moved to Savannah

Aunt Emily moved to Savannah, GA this past weekend. We are SO sad to see her leave Houston, but SO happy for the life that lies ahead! Uncle Zach, Aunt Emily's fiancee, is stationed in the army in Savannah, so they will be there for the next four years. Aunt Emmy (as she's known to A and E) moved to Houston when Ashton was only 2 weeks old. They have such a special bond. When Ashton was an infant, Aunt Emmy was the only person that could rock him to sleep at times. He would literally hit her shoulder and zonk out. It amazed me every single time. I can remember one time when he was sick and couldn't be consoled. I called Aunt Emmy and over she came. She rocked him for a solid 3 hours, afraid that he would wake up if she put him down. She has been such a huge part of Ashton's little life, and Emory's too. She was invaluable to me when John's dad was ill, physically and emotionally, always coming over when needed and offering to do whatever she could. She use to come after work and take Ashton on long walks to the park when I was just too tired. She is our resident dog/house sitter, and thanks to her, Jakson has not been boarded in years. Yes, she will be missed! We love you so much, Aunt Emmy, and are SO insanely proud of you.

Mamaw's Visit

Mamaw and Uncle Tripp made the trek out to Houston from Tallahassee and Monticello this past weekend. Daddy and Uncle Tripp have an annual "Brother's Weekend" every year, and this year they decided to take the new boat to Austin. Austin is just 3 hours from Houston, so Tripp planned to come here and he and John would tow the boat together. Well, much to my delight, Mamaw (also known as Mary Frances; John's mom) decided to tag along and spend the weekend with the kids and I! We had a great visit. We went to the zoo in the sweltering Texas heat, made fish and shrimp tacos, played for hours on end in the backyard, had lots of yummy "Mary Frances" salads, took about 300 pictures, and ended our nights with good wine after the kids were bathed, fed and put to sleep. Daddy and Uncle Tripp got back from their brother's weekend last night sunburned and exhausted, but SO happy to see Ashton and Emory. Mamaw and Uncle Tripp left this morning early, as Uncle Tripp was very anxious to get home to Aunt Angie and cousin Haley. Here are a few (and I mean a SELECT few) of the pics I took of Mamaw and the babies...

Yummy Pears!

Little Miss Emory Anne ate pears today! Mommy was so proud :) We mixed a little bit of organic pears that I made in my new "baby cook" with her rice cereal today at lunch time and she LOVED them! Oh, how can it be that my little baby girl is ready to eat food? Not sure if the picture shows well enough, but, yes, half of the pears ended up on her face and bib :) She gets that from her momma...

Daddy and Ashton Washing the Boat!

Daddy enlisted Ashton's help to wash the boat today. It was so sweet! Ashton LOVES being outside, LOVES water, and LOVES spending time with his Daddy, so he was in absolute heaven! John showed him how to scrub the boat with a brush, how to aim the hose, and how to aim the hose at mommy!! It was hilarious seeing my little man so serious about his boat washing duties. He loved putting the hose in the soap bucket and watching the bubbles. After all the hard work, Ashton came inside (reluctantly) and ate his lunch of grapes, veggie crackers, yogurt, and a huge dill pickle! Needless to say, he is taking a LONG nap right now.

LOVING being the boat's co-captain
Hard Working Man!

I gave him the mop to distract him from the hose :)

What's in here Daddy?

SO serious...

After he tried to look into the hose


Deciding what to water after his boat watering duties were over...

Because Daddy had to hose off the back of the boat, and Ashton had to hold the hose... Comprimise :)

Daddy showing Ashton how the hose works. Ashton said, "whoa!" when he saw the water come out :)

Ashton was so serious about his duties

Friday, May 01, 2009

I know I keep saying this, but...

Mamaw (my wonderful mother in law) is in town (a whole seperate blog post to come about our time together) and we visited the zoo today. Upon uploading our zoo pictures, immediately after getting home and putting the kids down for their naps (!), one of the pictures caught my eye in a familiar way. I knew I had seen it before, only the beautiful baby boy in it was a little bit smaller last time I looked at it. I know I keep saying this, but, wow. I mean, wow. He is getting SO big SO quickly. Too quickly, if you ask me :) There is only 4 months in between these two photos. 4 months! That's it! I literally cannot imagine how much bigger he is going to seem 4 months from now! So, I guess the old cliche really is true. They grow up so fast! But, it's like I told Ashton upon getting him up from his nap today, after seeing these pics... he will ALWAYS be my baby.