Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pirate Pool Party / Best Bud Birthday Bash

That is a mouth full.  What a bash it was.  This was Ashton's first real "class mate" birthday party. And a co-birhtday party with his best bud, Major, to boot!  The kids had a blast.  I hope that Ashton will always remember having this special party with his bud.  I was a beautiful day filled with lots of swimming, laughter, fun and candy.  LOTS of candy...

The amazing sign that Jaime made for the fence entrance and the big ole birthday boys.


Ashton and his friend Jack sorting out all of their loot from the Pinata.  Sweet Maddie James.

The treasure chest of booty for the kids take home.

Sassy made herself a friend at the party! Pals, Emory and Lily.

Grill Master.

The AH-MAZING cake!  Can you tell it was a hit?! Ha!

Our gorgeous cake makers (and Major's Aunts), Mamie and Mary Jo.  Hayes is ready to dive in to some sugar.

Proof that I was there!  Aunt Jordan and Uncle Travis brought Avery Banks for us all to oogle over ;)

Emory's face, looking at Major, cracks me up.232323232fp6354;_nu=3334_78__24__WSNRCG=3853;977;9337nu0mrj

Our dear friends, Jaime and Mark.  Also known as Major's parents.  Daddy and Ashton looking through the pirate booty.

Sweet school friends.

Put me in, coach!!

Sweet, precious Ande girl.

The men, doing what they do best!

What candy, mama?  Jaime and Mamie.  You know you're at a kid's birthday party when everyone's accessory is their camera!

Birthday loot!  The boys made out big!

Pintata time!  A sword and a floatie...  I have no idea.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two of the sweetest, bestest, biggest, most awesome boys I know. 
Cannot wait to watch these two grow up together...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day of School

The blog is BACK. I promise, swear, cross my heart, lighting strike me dead, etc... The blog is back and it will be consistent. Of course the preceding statements are meant for me. Although life is full and hectic, I just miss this so much. And it is SO worth it. Once again, can't decide if I am going to just start fresh or attempt to (gulp) back blog. Ok - to get my fingers fluid again ( I know my writing will be terrible for a while until I find a groove! ), let's start with this year's first day of school. For everyone. Everyone!!! Isn't there still a baby that needs me at home?! No? Anyone??? Nope. All THREE of my precious muffins had a first day of school this year. This pic hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. 2. 3. 4. Whoa. That is a large pill to swallow, my friends. This year we will have three children three years a part in school. Next year, Hayes will take a breather and transition into the "older" two year old class. Thank goodness.
2, 3, 4!!

Our big boy. The leader of our little pack. Loves books and learning and thrives on being independent. We have catch up sessions every night for about fifteen minutes in his bed before he goes to sleep. I was thinking the other day that this is truly my absolute favorite part of my day. Nothing is rushed, things are quiet and he is so into our conversation.
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My sweet, sweet sassy. Loves everyone and everything and changes her "outfit" at least thirteen times a day. Her smile is so infectious and genuine. She is such a little mama lately, always tending to Hayes. She still dances more than she walks and will start ballet this Fall!!!
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My forever baby. Cannot even fathom that the baby stage is ending with this one, and in turn, our entire house. Rest assured, I will be hanging on to every single, tiny morsel of "babyness". Sorry Hayes. Picture 450Picture 462

Our first day Motley Crew.
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Beyond thrilled to watch them grow and learn this year!!