Monday, March 03, 2008

The Hat Saga Continues...

I seriously hope he does not resent me for this when he is a teenager...

Sorry, Ashton!

Ashton, about to yank on Jackson's collar.

Oh! I have let this blog go too too too long. OK, so once again, I have some catching up to do. But seriously, only because I have the single most BUSY 6 month old! He is all over the place; rolling, scooting, faux-crawling (it will not be long), and reaching for anything that he can get. Ashton is oh so curious. He wants to see, feel, listen to, and TASTE everything. And I mean everything. John and I have quickly learned that he cannot be left alone on his playmat anymore. He can actually scoot to the other side of the room in about 30 seconds. Tonight, as I was sitting with him on his quilt that Pema made him, he was playing with his toys and I was reading my weekly People Magazine. It was time to take my squash and zucchini bake out of the oven, so I ran into the kitchen and set the casserole on top of the oven. In the 60 seconds that it took, Ashton had torn my magazine into about one hundred pieces. He had two huge fistfuls of it and was working on getting one of the fistfuls into his mouth. He looked so proud of himself.