Sunday, April 27, 2008

Don't Wipe My Face!!!

I think he saw me coming at him with his washcloth, about to wipe off all of his hard "squash" work...

Ashton's First Park Visit!

Grammie and Papa came and visited two weekends ago (on April 11th-13th) and we took Ashton to a nearby park. He LOVED the swing and sliding down the slide with mommy.

Easter in the Mountains

Below are a few pics from our Mountain trip, this past Easter. We had a wonderful time visiting family and relaxing in the beautiful Cattail Creek community. We also got to see our newly purchased property!! Ashton was crawling everywhere (his new trick at the time) and was quite the hit (of course)! It was great to visit and catch up with everyone.

The Tongue Master

Ashton has mastered the art of sticking out his tongue. The two bottom pictures are actually backdated from February. The top one was from a recent trip to the park. You can also see quite a bit of his tongue handiwork in the slideshow from the previous post...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ashton - 7 1/2 Months