Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This is what I have taught Ashton to do when he sees a car. Freeze. Do. Not. Move. He could seriously try out for the safety patrol at the tender age of 2 1/2. Traffic safety is not a joke in this little guy's opinion. However...

it is in her's.


Today we were outside playing with this.

While Ashton was very busy making rivers, suns and rainbows, Emory was very busy wandering into the middle of the street.

We live on a culdesac, so while I am tirelessly trying to instill in her that it is dangerous and a huge no no to stand in the middle of the road, I feel relatively at ease that she will not encounter any speeding vehicles. Not Ashton.

He was VERY uncomfortable with the fact that she continued to defy saftey rules. Every time Emory would strut her little self into the street, Ashton would say, "Freeze Erm-ry!" with his hand outstretched in the stop position. When this didn't work (every single time), he would sigh heavily, put down his chalk and go get her.

He loves her. She loves him. And I love that fact.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lately and a realization

Ashton says "scuse me's. Ashon burped." EVERY TIME he burps. I actually have him doing this on film during a school party in the middle of a semi-quiet moment. Yep.

Emory has started calling everyone daddy. I am daddy. The dog is daddy. But, when her actual daddy enters the room, "daddy" is said in a much more excited tone with lots of gusto, usually while she is running toward him with her arms outstretched.

Ashton asks for chocolate milk and chocolate cake almost every single morning for breakfast. He is always denied.

Ashton has really starting using his potty. He knows that every time he goes in his "bo boy potty", he gets a coin to put into his "rufus bank". (his piggy bank is actually not a pig. it's a dog and his name is rufus).

Emory is SO ticklish and loves to be tickled to the point of tears. She will strut over to me and lay down and raise her little arms up and usually starts laughing before I even touch her.

Ashton is such a vast hole of information lately. I am so mad at myself for not immediately blogging (or at least writing down somewhere) every little hilarious, smart, smarty pants, or sweet thing that he says.

One such hilarious/sweet thing that he has said lately: He found one of his Easter presents (a puzzle) in my room. It was a quiet afternoon with little sassy asleep and all my chores done. So, I let him open it early and we sat and played with his new "trucks" puzzle. He looked up at me and said, "Mommy?" Yes sweet boy? "This puzzle is perfect. Thank you."

Emory continues to rule the roost around here. She is sweet and sassy and generally into everything. Yesterday she managed to unscrew the top to a brand new (full) bottle of nyquil and empty it all over the kitchen floor. I swear it happens in a split second, people! *no nyquil was ingested by either child* Fortunately, I saw the whole thing go down (just couldn't reach her before she turned the bottle upside down) and was ready to go with my handy dandy baby wipes! ;)

If Ashton is scared or wants to go somewhere or can't reach something, he comes to me and says, "mommy. holded my hand. let's go".

Emory has developed a wild and passionate love for slides. She sits at the top, and in total baby jibberish, says "ready, set, go!" Then she slides down with her hands stretched out and says "weeeeeeee!" I love how much she loves slides.

I had a realization this morning. My kids are growing faster than I can document. They are literally learning new things everyday. They love life. I love watching them love life. But I honestly feel heartache sometimes. Heartache for the time that has passed. I miss their earlier selves. Their sweet baby rolls and utter dependence on me. At the same time, my heart sometimes flutters with excitement when I think about all that is to come in their future. My realization is this - not until I became a parent did I realize that it was possible to embody such intense emotions all at once. Wanting to hold onto them and smother them tight but also wanting them to grow and learn and explore. Pain and joy. Longing and loving. I guess the only way not to be completely taken over by these emotions is to focus on the now. The right now. To soak it in as best I can. And continue to document it. Because tomorrow, the right now will be the past. The longing.



Monday, March 22, 2010

yee haw!

Two weeks ago we had "Rodeo Day" at Ashton's school. A whole day centered around rodeo activities, you say? Well, let me tell ya, the Houston Rodeo is about the biggest event of the year here. It is HUGE. The events surrounding the rodeo go on for over a month, and everyone celebrates "being a Texan". It really is amazing. I wish it was year round! In celebration of "rodeo", Ashton's school put on quite the day for the kiddos. Talk about fun. There was everything from a three piece country band playing around a "campfire", to stick horse races, to goldmining (sifting through rice with sifters to finds stickers and tattos), to making your own trail mix, to facepainting, to pony rides, to...you get the point. It was awesome.

Ashton and his bud, Kate. Daddy and I hear a lot about Kate. Aren't her boots the cutest?!

Face painting courtesy of mommy :)

Two of Ashton's best buds. Sherriff Corbin and Cowboy Aidan.


Sittin' around the "campfire" listening to the band

Yeeeee hawww Y'all!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Dead End Gang

We are very blessed to have amazing neighbors. Amazing. We are all the same age, all moved in to the neighborhood around the same time, and all started families within a year of one another. My dad refers to the kids as the dead end gang. It's from little rascals. Last Saturday we had one of my favorite kind of days. A neighbor day. These are always the best when they are non-planned. It started out that we were all outside doing various forms of yardwork. We ended up just hanging out all day (and night). We let the kids run around and get filthy. We caught up with each other. We grilled delicious food. And we succombed to the first truly beautiful day of Spring. My favorite kind of day.

The Dead End Gang. (L-R) Emory, Zoe, Dominic, Ashton and Aidan.DSC_0332

The much older, wiser kids. ;)
Sweet Zoe Kate.
The "babies" as we refer to them. Dominic was having a hard time keeping up with Emory's furious waddling.
Of course there was some of this.
Is he not just so edible?!
The biggest hit of the day - the Jeep!


Yes, that is dirt caked all over his face...and hands...and under his fingernails.



Bring on Summer!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

she kissed me!!

FINALLY. I have waited fourteen long months for my sweet little sassy girl to plant a big, open-mouthed wet one on me. And tonight she did! I am on cloud nine. Truly. There is nothing like those first ginger baby kisses. Melts. My. Heart. I remember Ashton doing this earlier than fourteen months. A mother of two (or more) knows that you can make yourself crazy comparing milestones between children. (plus you are totally not suppose to do it. bad mommy alert. your pediatrician tells ad nauseum how every kid is different. and it's true.) Nevertheless, it is too easy to get sucked into the worry and doubt that your second child will ever accomplish a milestone, if it has not been reached by the age that your first one reached it. And so I have worried. But tonight my mind and heart rests easy. She kissed me. Cloud nine...


Thursday, March 11, 2010

decision made.

As I have already blogged, this has been the general feel around our house all week.


Sick, miserable and in our jammies. The kids are still not 100%. We will be staying in Texas. I am ok with this decision. The kid's health comes first. Thanks for weighing in on my decision. My mom said that she was actually starting to lean my way after seeing the comments :) We will miss seeing all of our friends and family, but we will definitely be home in May! As Ashton says when leaving school everyday (with a wave), "See you later, friends!"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mother knows best

Disclaimer: this post contains crude material and may not be suitable for prudish people OR people who do not like to hear about poop.

Ok. I have to post this. It's just too funny not to.

Ashton is on "Spring Break" from his little day school next week. I decided this would be a great time to go to the home that I miss so terribly- Tallahassee. Ahhhh. Tallahassee. Well, daddy can't leave work right now. Too much going on. SO, I decided that I would just drive the kids home by myself. SO not a big deal in my mind. I called my parent's to tell them the great news. They were not happy with my decision. My dad got very "daddish" about it. "Honey, no. You cannot handle both of them by yourself for 10 hours. Absolutely not. Mom or I will fly out there to drive back with you." Wow. Later that night, my mom and I were both on facebook. Below is our exact conversation.

10:06pm Jessica

just snuck in and gave emory a dose of tylenol.
she is so darn sweet.
i had to pick her up and snuggle her for a minute.

10:06pm Sheree
did she wake up?
Dad & I were saying if you lived here we would be able to help you...

10:07pm Jessica
yes, but she was so groggy, i got in a little snuggle before i had to put her back down.
i know, i know...

10:07pm Sheree
move home.

10:08pm Jessica
well i'm feeling detoured from even visiting home because you and dad are being the "driving home alone" police!
he got authoritative with me about it today!!!

10:08pm Sheree
It doesn't mean don't come -- it means come with a 2nd driver.
We know you can do it, but it is a long way to take a chance with 2 little babies.

10:09pm Jessica
what do you mean, "take a chance"?
btw, you should really crop dad out of your profile pic...

10:10pm Sheree
Oh, is he in my pic?
Scenario (chance) #1 - Ashton melts down, you are trying to call him. Emory starts crying - you turn around to talk to them and swerve into wrong lane.

10:11pm Jessica
i just laughed out loud. they melt down simultaneously everyday and i have never done that.

10:11pm Sheree
well, that's good.
Scenario #2 --- you get a BAD tummy ache and need to sit on toilet for many minutes.

10:11pm Jessica
Que emory in her stroller and ashton crouching down to tell the woman in next stall that i am going poo poo. we'd get through it.

10:11pm Sheree
Scenario #3 -- you get a flat tire.

10:11pm Jessica
i have on star. what else you got?

10:11pm Sheree
Scenario #4 - serial killers

10:12pm Jessica
where? in broad daylight in my car, while i am having massive diarrhea with two babies melting down, all while swerving into the wrong lane, until, of course, i get a flat tire?

10:12pm Sheree
Scenario #5 - incapacitated with laughter at Grosse Tete

(side note - Grosse Tete is a parish in La that we pass on our way home. I don't know how to actually pronounce it, but it cracks me up everytime. I am such a dork, I know. The best part is that it is right after a parish called Butte LaRose. I mean, come on, that's funny!)

10:12pm Jessica
i'll just call you when i hit butte la rose. you can talk me through it.

10:12pm Sheree
Scenario #6 - DVD player dies.

10:13pm Jessica
ok...i hear ya.

10:13pm Sheree
you cannot argue that one.

I have made peace at this point in my life that my mom is usually right. But I truly think I can handle this drive home. I need opinions! Is my desire to go home to our family and friends impeding my decision?? Please let me know what you think!!!
And because a post is not a post without pics, here are the munchkins last week. This was taken when I took them to the children's museum, pre-illness. They are still not 100% but are definitely on the mend.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

big shoes to fill.

literally. well, ok, huge boots.


Monday, March 08, 2010

This pretty much sums it up...


Daddy and I have had two of the longest nights in our short history of parenting two children. Both of the children have pretty nasty viral throat infections, and in an attempt to be the sassiest, Emory also has an ear infection. Fevers have been raging and babies have been crying. Mostly in the middle of the night. Ashton's fever shot up to 104.1 yesterday and I took him to the ER. Four hours and one $250 copay later, we determined that it is just a virus. We had already determined Emory's illness to be a virus on Saturday. My house is a wreck, I have not brushed my hair or my teeth today (TMI, I'm sure) and I am surviving on sugar free red bull and airborne. Good times. It is times like this, that I pray, Thank You God for my children being on the mend, my husband's awesome daddy skills, and they fact that we are all safe and together. Amen to that! Now, off to brush my teeth.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Grammie and Papa

John and I are SO blessed to have AMAZING family members. Our children will grow up with love and adoration being shot at them from every angle - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, even great-grandparents!

Here are two of their biggest fans. Grammie and Papa. And let me tell ya, the feeling is mutual.
They made the trek out to Houston last month to help me from pulling my hair out hang out with us while Daddy and Uncle Tripp went on their annual "brother's trip". We had a wonderful time just hanging out. Both of the kids had ear infections when G and P got here, so it was really nice to have the extra hands, as well as extra comfort for the munchkins. Grammie and I went shopping while Papa babysat on Saturday and I didn't cook at all the entire time they were here. It was wonderful. It is always so sad when we have to part ways after visits. I can't wait to get closer to home and to our awesome family.
We miss you Grammie and Papa!!
Ashton was just a little excited that they were here.IMG_0995pIMG_0975pIMG_0991p