Sunday, March 07, 2010

Grammie and Papa

John and I are SO blessed to have AMAZING family members. Our children will grow up with love and adoration being shot at them from every angle - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, even great-grandparents!

Here are two of their biggest fans. Grammie and Papa. And let me tell ya, the feeling is mutual.
They made the trek out to Houston last month to help me from pulling my hair out hang out with us while Daddy and Uncle Tripp went on their annual "brother's trip". We had a wonderful time just hanging out. Both of the kids had ear infections when G and P got here, so it was really nice to have the extra hands, as well as extra comfort for the munchkins. Grammie and I went shopping while Papa babysat on Saturday and I didn't cook at all the entire time they were here. It was wonderful. It is always so sad when we have to part ways after visits. I can't wait to get closer to home and to our awesome family.
We miss you Grammie and Papa!!
Ashton was just a little excited that they were here.IMG_0995pIMG_0975pIMG_0991p


Katherine said...

SO cute....LOVE LOVE LOVE grandparents!

Jill said...

sweet post!! They are the best!