Monday, March 08, 2010

This pretty much sums it up...


Daddy and I have had two of the longest nights in our short history of parenting two children. Both of the children have pretty nasty viral throat infections, and in an attempt to be the sassiest, Emory also has an ear infection. Fevers have been raging and babies have been crying. Mostly in the middle of the night. Ashton's fever shot up to 104.1 yesterday and I took him to the ER. Four hours and one $250 copay later, we determined that it is just a virus. We had already determined Emory's illness to be a virus on Saturday. My house is a wreck, I have not brushed my hair or my teeth today (TMI, I'm sure) and I am surviving on sugar free red bull and airborne. Good times. It is times like this, that I pray, Thank You God for my children being on the mend, my husband's awesome daddy skills, and they fact that we are all safe and together. Amen to that! Now, off to brush my teeth.