Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday Tradition

Minus Caryn and Zoe, who sadly had to go to work and school today. boo. It was the perfect day to get out of the house. I am pooped. And, people, I hate to be a whiner, but I am just pooped. Both of my sweet babies have been extremely, umm, needy today. Nipping at my heels, (both)wanting to be held, finding it very unacceptable that I get any housework done, and generally melting down about any and everything. I kid you not- the thought literally flashed through my brain earlier, "I wonder if Emory would still fit in the baby bjorn so I can fold clothes?" Oh yeah. And the kicker is, even in the midst of all the chaos and sweat, I was still able to acknowledge that I will truly miss this one day. I will beg them to want me in just a few short years. So, thank you God for my healthy, thriving children who love me unconditionally and thank you GOD for Tuesdays :)






Monday, May 17, 2010


Found the little sassafras in here earlier. She was quite offended that she was stuck ;)



What in the world is she wearing, you say? A Lupita original. Oh yeah.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tallahassee Lassies

All five of us, plus most of the kids (mine are missing), in one place at one time.






Thursday, May 13, 2010

dinner with the christianson's

Well, it seems that even though we live in Houston, TX, we get a good dose of Tallahassee quite a bit. I have blogged about Steph, who I went to high school with and who now lives five minutes away from me. She is not the only Tally transplant that I choose to spend as much of my time with as possible :) There are now five of us total that were all in the same high school, at the same time! More to come on Laura and Sommer later. Our wonderful friends, Chad and Ansley, had us over to their BEAUTIFUL new house last week for dinner. They are the latest and greatest Tally transfers, and I am so thrilled. Ansley and I cheered together in high school and now have kids less than one month in age a part. Her sweet Caden is nearly one month older than sassy pants. The kids played, played and played, only breaking to eat and eventually bathe. Such a wonderful night with great friends.





mother's day

The most beautiful (half hand picked out of a field) flowers ever. Thanks honey, for the flowers and for making me a mother!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

tuesday tradition

Every Tuesday, my neighbor Caryn and I take our kids to lunch at a little place called Jake's. There is a small outdoor playground that the kids can play on while they wait for their yummy chicken fingers and sweet potato fries, so it is quite perfect. Today, we enlisted Steph and her sweet doodlebugs to join us. Needless to say, fries, yogurts, fruit and chicken fingers were enjoyed by all and it looked like a small tornado had swept through our particular table after we left ;) I seriously wish I had a picture of our table. Wow. After lunch, we headed to a cute little waterpark in the neighborhood. Perfect way to wear out the troops and ensure a nice, long nap. I think after naptime is over we will all join back up for strawberry pops... Tuesday Tradition!!

my sweet man.

emory kept waddling off to the nearby playground.

sweet excitement :)

emory recruited cayden to escape with her.

edible sweetness!

Ok, this was the last shot of the day. I snapped it as we (meaning, everyone but Corbin) were leaving. Corbs absolutely refused to leave. Steph literally had to run him down halfway across the park after we loaded the other kids up. Hilarious, if you are not his mom. :)

Zoe Kate - the ultimate waterbug.


Emory is still not too fond of getting her sassy little self wet. Zoe, on the other hand, drank it up!



Monday, May 10, 2010

strawberry pops

I made some strawberry popsicles, or "strawberry pops" last week.


Super easy, and all natural. And messy. Really, really messy.


I love watching them concentrate on eating their pops. That is, watching them concentrate on how good it tastes and keeping it in their mouth. :)
