Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday Tradition

Minus Caryn and Zoe, who sadly had to go to work and school today. boo. It was the perfect day to get out of the house. I am pooped. And, people, I hate to be a whiner, but I am just pooped. Both of my sweet babies have been extremely, umm, needy today. Nipping at my heels, (both)wanting to be held, finding it very unacceptable that I get any housework done, and generally melting down about any and everything. I kid you not- the thought literally flashed through my brain earlier, "I wonder if Emory would still fit in the baby bjorn so I can fold clothes?" Oh yeah. And the kicker is, even in the midst of all the chaos and sweat, I was still able to acknowledge that I will truly miss this one day. I will beg them to want me in just a few short years. So, thank you God for my healthy, thriving children who love me unconditionally and thank you GOD for Tuesdays :)







Caryn said...

Sad to have missed it! Great pics! Maybe Steph and I can keep up the tradition next week :)

Jennifer Teichelman said...

:( Why couldn't things have worked out on Monday?? Really wanted a chance to hang at the waterpark. Oh well, we will have more opportunities this summer:) Glad you guys had another good Tuesday!!

Jill said...

How are we so alike? Did you see that Lilly has the same bathing suit as Emory with a monogram? Also the same jellies! Crackin' me up!!

Anonymous said...

Are we on this Tuesday?!! I sure hope so!