Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mother knows best

Disclaimer: this post contains crude material and may not be suitable for prudish people OR people who do not like to hear about poop.

Ok. I have to post this. It's just too funny not to.

Ashton is on "Spring Break" from his little day school next week. I decided this would be a great time to go to the home that I miss so terribly- Tallahassee. Ahhhh. Tallahassee. Well, daddy can't leave work right now. Too much going on. SO, I decided that I would just drive the kids home by myself. SO not a big deal in my mind. I called my parent's to tell them the great news. They were not happy with my decision. My dad got very "daddish" about it. "Honey, no. You cannot handle both of them by yourself for 10 hours. Absolutely not. Mom or I will fly out there to drive back with you." Wow. Later that night, my mom and I were both on facebook. Below is our exact conversation.

10:06pm Jessica

just snuck in and gave emory a dose of tylenol.
she is so darn sweet.
i had to pick her up and snuggle her for a minute.

10:06pm Sheree
did she wake up?
Dad & I were saying if you lived here we would be able to help you...

10:07pm Jessica
yes, but she was so groggy, i got in a little snuggle before i had to put her back down.
i know, i know...

10:07pm Sheree
move home.

10:08pm Jessica
well i'm feeling detoured from even visiting home because you and dad are being the "driving home alone" police!
he got authoritative with me about it today!!!

10:08pm Sheree
It doesn't mean don't come -- it means come with a 2nd driver.
We know you can do it, but it is a long way to take a chance with 2 little babies.

10:09pm Jessica
what do you mean, "take a chance"?
btw, you should really crop dad out of your profile pic...

10:10pm Sheree
Oh, is he in my pic?
Scenario (chance) #1 - Ashton melts down, you are trying to call him. Emory starts crying - you turn around to talk to them and swerve into wrong lane.

10:11pm Jessica
i just laughed out loud. they melt down simultaneously everyday and i have never done that.

10:11pm Sheree
well, that's good.
Scenario #2 --- you get a BAD tummy ache and need to sit on toilet for many minutes.

10:11pm Jessica
Que emory in her stroller and ashton crouching down to tell the woman in next stall that i am going poo poo. we'd get through it.

10:11pm Sheree
Scenario #3 -- you get a flat tire.

10:11pm Jessica
i have on star. what else you got?

10:11pm Sheree
Scenario #4 - serial killers

10:12pm Jessica
where? in broad daylight in my car, while i am having massive diarrhea with two babies melting down, all while swerving into the wrong lane, until, of course, i get a flat tire?

10:12pm Sheree
Scenario #5 - incapacitated with laughter at Grosse Tete

(side note - Grosse Tete is a parish in La that we pass on our way home. I don't know how to actually pronounce it, but it cracks me up everytime. I am such a dork, I know. The best part is that it is right after a parish called Butte LaRose. I mean, come on, that's funny!)

10:12pm Jessica
i'll just call you when i hit butte la rose. you can talk me through it.

10:12pm Sheree
Scenario #6 - DVD player dies.

10:13pm Jessica
ok...i hear ya.

10:13pm Sheree
you cannot argue that one.

I have made peace at this point in my life that my mom is usually right. But I truly think I can handle this drive home. I need opinions! Is my desire to go home to our family and friends impeding my decision?? Please let me know what you think!!!
And because a post is not a post without pics, here are the munchkins last week. This was taken when I took them to the children's museum, pre-illness. They are still not 100% but are definitely on the mend.


Erica H said...

you guys are funny. I completely see where your parents are coming from, but any one of those scenarios can happen any day of the week just in Houston! I bet you'd do fine. Now, maybe you'll feel otherwise when you get to Tallahassee, at which point Mom drives back with you. Lucky girl you are though to have parents ready to jump on a plane to ride 10 hours with you. That's pretty awesome.

Katherine said...

COME HOME....bring lots of immodium, tons of DVD's (maybe an extra dvd player), a flat tire kit, and tons of patience! If you do come home, call me so we can get together!

kimberlyharvard said...

Oh my gosh, I just laughed until I cried! What an awesome post. Your mom is hilarious! Definitely come home...but if you have a parent who is willing to fly out and help you drive back to Tally, I'd take them up on it for sure! Hope you make it back here safely with no tummy aches, no flat tires, no screaming children (well, that one's inevitable), no serial killers, and no broken down DVD players!! :)

Katie said...


Jennifer Teichelman said...

HILARIOUS!! It would be difficult but I think that you could handle it. On the other hand, if it gives your parents peace of mind then let them help you out. It would definitely be easier with some help. I do think that you could do it if you decided to go the route alone. I was hoping that you guys were going to be home on my week off maybe I should say that it is all a terrible idea. :)

Grammie said...

Well looks like Team Jessica wins. However, in defense of Team Grammie, it appears all who have weighed in are not grandparents. Sooo, despite the fact that I have come around to reason that, yeah, Jessica would probably do a great job and make it safely in 3 pieces, I do think you should ask YOUR mom's what their thoughts are. Too bad it didn't work out in the end -- we all lose when when there is no visit!