Tuesday, March 08, 2011

love the man in brown...

the UPS man, that is! He came today and brought me my new camera. Thank you sweet man in brown. This is what we were up to tonight, courtesy of my brand spanking new toy...

Ashton and daddy doing what they do best. He has really been loving his daddy lately. Wants him to read nighttime books, and says at least twice a day that he needs a snack so he can eat it and grow big and strong like daddy. As daddy said tonight after tucking him in, "they don't come much sweeter". No, no they don't.

This one is a laugh a minute lately. Her repertoire of vocabulary continues to expand ;) Walking is so last week for this sweet babe. Hopping, or, "popping" as she calls it, is all the rave this week. She "pops" everywhere... while yelling "POP!" with every little jump. Headstrong + huge blue eyes = my sassy girl. I think I kiss her cheeks more times in a day than she bats those big blues.

Baby Hayes hanging out, looking dapper in his pink bumbo. Just one of the 50+ items pink items that he inherited from his sister. I wonder what he will call the older two Kerr kiddos... Currently Emory calls Ashton "Ash-ee". Purty cute, except for when she yells for him to come get her out of her room at 5:00 am.. "Ash-ee!!! Need you!!" He, of course, always comes to her rescue. Yeah, mornings come early around here. Baby Hayes is sporting apples and rice cereal on his onsie!!! So exciting! He had his first little taste last night and loved it. Tonight was equally successful. Such a chowhound. I totally think it's my awesome cooking. ;) Yep, the babycook is making a repeat performance! We also had his four month check up yesterday and he measured 75% for height, weight and head. Big boy ;) Hayes - you could not possibly be any cuter... or sweeter. Seriously.


Autumn Mayfield said...

Yay! Glad that man in brown came to your house! :)

Jennifer Teichelman said...

So glad to see that you have your new camera. Now there is no excuse not to post;). I missed seeing pics and hearing stories about my sweet little neighbors!