Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texas Heat

The only way that we can take a MORNING walk these days! Naked (them, not me, of course), with ice water in their sippy cups. We left this morning at 7:30 and the temp was already in the upper 80's! Come on, Fall...



MacK + Shawn said...

isn't BOB amazing?! someday i'll have to upgrade to the double! i would gladly give you some of our fall weather... i'm not ready for it at all!!! our summer was only 2 1/2mo long :( i'm so glad i get to go home in sept + have some warm beach time!!! we always want what we can't have...

The Toppass' said...

My favorite is that though Miss Emory is naked she is not without her bow!
We need to get togehter soon. And I am right there w/ you-looking forward to the fall