Friday, February 19, 2010


The number of different uses I have found for baby wipes. I. love. them. I have found that they are not just good for wiping a sweet little bottom clean and un-caking frozen blueberries off a certain sassy face. (side note- my children partially survive off of frozen blueberries during the non seasonal months. They are always frozen at their peak and serve as great pop in your mouth treats as well as teething soothers. Sometimes I puree them and freeze them in disposable mini solo cups with rounded toothpicks stuck in the middle, as a popsicle. They are MESSY.) I digress. "Grab a wipe" has become a mantra in my household. Be it a sticky syrup droplet on the kitchen floor, a hardened toothpaste dab in the bathroom sink (John), dust just about anywhere (I have found that they truly work just as well and keep the dust away just as long as a pledge wipe!), the dog's muddy paws, or even crayon marks in the shower. Grab a wipe. I keep a "refill" pack with the resealable top in every room. Target brand is my absolute favorite. One side is soft and one side is textured, which is great for the jobs that require a little elbow grease :) I also love the idea of a quick clean up without spraying a lot of chemicals into the air that my sweet munchkins breathe. Now, don't get me wrong. Some things just need a good dose of Clorox. Or Windex. Or Pinesol. But for all the in between jobs... grab a wipe.