Saturday, February 20, 2010

clues and cues

My first clue that Emory was ready for her nap today was when her bow was like this and she didn't care.
My next clue was when she sat down like this and watched the weather channel for about five minutes straight.

And my final clue was when I was preparing her naptime bottle, (yes, she stills gets a bottle. I know.) she climbed up on the couch and did this.

When I came back out from putting Emory down for her nap, Ashton announced that he would like chocolate cake for lunch. This is his pleeeaaaaasssssseeeeee face.

I said no. That was his cue.

But, as always, this is what I will remember most about our day.


Jill said...

Such a cute's an awful lot like "a day in the Pope house"