Tuesday, August 09, 2011


How could daddy and I possibly have known four years ago what real, true joy meant? We didn't. Not until 12:43 AM on August 7th. Ashton Thomas. Fireworks went off in my heart the day he was born. Perfect and pink and lookin' just like his daddy. Four years later and the fireworks for this boy just keep getting bigger. Always putting others first, gentle, patient, smart and the best big brother. He told me tonight that I am his best girl. Oh, he has no idea...

Ashton, baby, I love you <-THIS MUCH->. Always.

Right now, Ashton:

  • loves his siblings. he is always looking out for them and making sure they have what they need.

  • is a big buzz lightyear fan. "to infinity and beyond" is a favorite phrase while jumping off of something high.

  • loves goggles, better known as "gobbles". not for swimming purposes, more for aesthetic purposes.

  • is starting to divvy out chores to his little sister. "emory, go get me my gobbles from my room"...

  • says "actually" and "always be a-peared" (aka, always be prepared) quite frequently.

  • would survive on gummie snacks and "red gator-gade" if we let him.

  • continues to eat peanut butter sandwiches to the point in which he may actually turn into one.

  • thinks of eating and sleeping as a mission to get "big and strong like daddy" so that he can play sports. We hear this a lot.

  • carries around a handy manny wallet full of pictures, coins, dollar bills and business cards that grammie put together for him. best.thing.ever.

  • favorite books are "dino baseball", "fishing adventures with johnny" and his "animal encyclopedia".

  • wants to be outside all the time, but is terrified of "bees". this was fine and was brushed aside until this weekend when he received four hornet stings after upsetting a nest, proving this fear and theory that being outside could lead to "bee stings". we will work on this.

  • prefers to walk around all day in his undies or post wake-up pull up.

  • let's me cover him in kisses and still requests to be picked up and snuggled at least once a day. the thought of this ending makes me nauseous.

  • loves his daddy. as he told me this morning after being scared during a power outage last night and being comforted by daddy, "daddy rescued me last night when I was scared of the dark. he is a really good daddy."

  • is a match car junkie. carries at least one everywhere he goes.

  • is baby hayes' idol. and emory's, for that matter.

Full of life and plenty of love to go around. Never change, sweet man. Happy birthday.



Jill said...

sweet, sweet post! HBD Ashton!!

Court said...

Hey Jessica. It's Courtney (Brannon) Roberts. I can't believe you have a 4 year old! He is absolutely precious, as are all your children. I saw Margaret in Target a month ago and she said you all were moving to Macon. I'd love to catch up with you, but I don't have any contact info for you other than your blog. I tried to FB you a few months ago through Shawn's account (as I don't have one), but I may have done it wrong. I hope you all are doing wonderful & hope to hear from you soon. Courtney