Monday, May 02, 2011

Arrrgghhh!!! A Pirate's Life For A&E!

How much fun can a $3.50 cheap plastic telescope afford? Umm, a lot. This little "pirate spy glass" as Ashton calls it, is the #1 most sought after toy in the Kerr household. Holy moly, they are precious. Emory wears a hot pink Easter bonnet from the dollar bin section at Target, Ashton wears his cowboy hat and they walk around searching for treasure, saying "arrghh matey!!" and alternating holding the "spy glass" and ladybug magnifying glass. Emory has little to no clue what they are doing, but loves any activity that she gets roped into doing with her big brother and also loves to giggle uncontrollably after saying "argghh".

FYI, found, oh, about $30 in change in their treasure chest (also known as an Easter basket stuffed into the back corner of Ashton's closet) recently. Note to self: check treasure chest next time I need to tip the pizza delivery guy.