Thursday, August 26, 2010



I am so deeply, madly in love with Emory Anne. I love how excited she is in the mornings when I walk into her room. I love how she slides her little purses up her arms and walks to the front door, waving and saying "bye bye!". I love the way she swings her hips and turns her palms outward when she runs. I love it when she claps for herself after she completes a task (which is all the time). I love that every time Ashton announces that he has to go potty, she runs to the bathroom, climbs up on her stool, and brushes her teeth or looks at herself in the mirror while he does his business. I love her wild, beautiful, dark hair. I love how she cradles her "baby" and says, "awwww.". I love how much she loves her nighttime routine. She is just delightful. I could make a living just devouring her little self everyday. Oh wait, I do... ;)


Sheree (Mom) said...

You describe exactly how I always have and always will adore you! It gives me so much joy that you are able to understand my love for you now that you have your own sweet girl.