Monday, June 14, 2010

sun, strawberries and lots of love

My first peek outside this morning indicated a gorgeous, sunshiney, Texas day. Caryn and I decided to load up and head down to the farmer's market for some fresh produce. And because we are massive dorks we love taking pictures, we themed our children's outfits in hopes of some sweet photos with the sweet fresh fruit at the farmer's market. The kids had something else in mind. :) I did manage to get a couple pics after we vacated the "danger zone" of breakables and edibles (I only had to buy two apples because Ashton decided they looked so delicious that he needed to sample them). Caryn ended up with some dried, candied pineapple that Zoe Kate later confessed to stashing in the cart. And Emory was sadly banished to the cart after about five too close mishaps with the jars in this post. A long lunch and and couple of hours at the pool followed, but I was too pooped to pull out the camera at that point ;) As far as the "love" portion of this post goes... Ashton and Zoe have now announced that they love each other. Actually they both love everyone. Caryn and I must have heard 20+ times today, "I love you Zoe." "I love you too, Ashton." We expect save the dates to go out around Fall of 2035.

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