Monday, April 20, 2009

Emory's World This Week

Emory Anne will be 4 months old tomorrow. Wow- hard to believe. She is such a little kissable cuddle bug.

  • Rolled over for the first time from her back to her tummy 2 weeks ago, while playing on the floor with mommy. The SAME night, around 4 am, I heard her crying in her crib. A weird cry... like she was mad, not hungry. When I went to check on her, she had rolled over from her tummy to her back! However, she has only rolled over two more times since... :)

  • She is a smiling fool! You bearly have to look at her and she just lights up from ear to ear!

  • Emory has HUGE dimples. I adore them.

  • Yesterday, she started taking a new pacifier. Where as I (or Ashton) would have to keep putting the soothie back in her mouth, she has latched on to her new passy and is not letting go!!

  • Emory is teething like it is going out of style!!!!! She (and I) are, at most times, COVERED in drool. Mommy is very ready for her to cut the tooth, or teeth, that she is working on.

  • If she is sleepy, she wants to be in her crib, on her tummy, with her lambie that makes the heartbeat sound, covered up with her "Emory Anne" bamboo (SUPER soft) blanket that Aunt Emmie got her. Doesn't matter if it is naptime or bedtime, that is where and how she wants to be, EXACTLY, when she is sleepy.

  • She loves her sling. But only sitting upright, where she can see the "going-ons" around her. Same with being held in general. No cradling like a baby for my little sassy pants!

  • Emory started sitting in her Bumbo a few days ago. John and I are wondering why we didn't break it out sooner... She loves, loves, loves sitting in it! Mainly because she can be a part of the group and see what we are doing at all times.

  • She coos, and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. So dainty and sweet.

  • Her eyelashes are already longer than mine...

  • Emory got her first runny nose this week. I am pretty sure it is from the teething. It is so sad to see her frustrated because she can't breathe easily through her nose. Trying to keep her little nostrils suctioned as much as possible to make her more comfy.

  • She has her daddy's looks. All of them. Well, except my skin tone. Sorry bout that, Emory! No tanning for you!

  • When she sneezes, I can't help but giggle, cause they sound like little mini "John sneezes".