Monday, April 20, 2009

Ashton's World This Week

This week in Ashton's World:

He is 20 months old and everyday brings many things new and exciting...

  • Recent words: color, blue, poo poo, pee pee, shoes (said with gusto when he wants to go outside), boat, yummy, yumm-O, back (said with his hand out in front of him when talking to Jackson, just like daddy), "night night" (referring to his bottle), whoa, uh-oh.

  • John and I have decided that Ashton would LIVE outside, if we let him. Every morning, after breakfast, he runs to his room and gets his shoes, runs to me and says SHOES! This means, TAKE ME OUTSIDE!!

  • If he is eating something that tastes really good, he makes his eyes really big and says MMMMMM!

  • Ashton loves to help with Emory in any way possible. His favorite way to help is to try to put her passy in her mouth. He is a wonderful big brother.

  • He will not stop eating dog food. It drives me crazy!!! He gets in trouble every time he does, and is totally un-detoured. Gross.

  • If I want him to eat something, I give him a "dip". Doesn't matter what it is... ketchup, honey mustard, ranch, syrup... If there is a dip on his tray, he will eat.

  • One word can sum up Ashton's favorite thing to play with... ball. Doesn't matter if it's a football, soccer ball, tennis ball or golf ball. If it's a ball, it's alright with him :)

  • Ashton got his first ant bite recently. Aunt Emmie was here and rushed over and scooped him up and we hosed off the ants. Ashton has not seemed to be bothered by his little bites at all, but Aunt Emmie was traumatized :)

  • Got a "Diego" vibrating toothbrush and LOVES getting his teeth brushed now. And it's a "win-win" because not only does he love brushing his teeth now, but the vibrating toothbrush cleans them better! :)

  • Our finicky little eater has developed a new found love for Bananas. So weird, as he has never liked bananas. Ever. Even as baby food. But, for now, he can't get enough of them! He is averaging one a day!!

  • Two nights ago, I was giving Ashton his bath and all of a sudden he stood up and wrapped his little arms around me and laid his wet head on my shoulder. We sat there in silence like that for three whole minutes.

  • We went and paid Ashton's tuition for summer school this week. He starts in June at St. Luke's Dayschool. He was only suppose to be going 2 days a week, but the 2 day session filled up and I got a call asking if I would be willing to switch to the 3 day. So now he will be going 3 days a week, from 9 am - 2:30 pm. I am going to miss him SO much. I honestly got a lump in my throat just going to pay the tuition. The first day is going to be a very hard day for mommy.

  • This morning, daddy was leaving for work while Ashton was in his highchair eating breakfast. This is normally a very traumatic occurence for Ashton, as he HATES when daddy leaves. But this morning, John came over and kissed him on the forhead, as usual, and instead of meltdown city, Ashton just looked up at him, waved, and said "Bye"! Such a big boy!!!