Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Baby Hayes got his first shiner the night before last. I must say that I am in a bit of unchartered territory here. Ashton and Emory both chose to take their time progressing from scooting to crawling to eventually pulling themselves up onto furniture. Nice, slow progression. Baby Hayes? Not so much. Sweet boy literally crawled and pulled himself up onto our ottoman all in the same day. And that was just the beginning. He has now added pulling up onto his jumperoo, our couch and a sidetable in our living room to his repetoire. Being a trendsetter can be dangerous. After trying to pull himself up to a standing position on a sidetable, he fell and hit his eye a drawer knob.

Can't really even see it. It's on his left eyelid.

He's really broken up about the whole situation.

The first of many battle wounds...


Brittney Mayfield said...

Poor guy! BEAUTIFUL pics!