Monday, May 16, 2011

The Acrobat

SUCH an acrobat these days! Baby Hayes (will this always be his name?) is scooting, kicking, spinning and, oh yes, still drooling away. Got some pics of his lil pearly whites this week. Please pardon my silly voice on the video. Yes, Ashton making ridiculous and annoying noises usually cracks him up. As always, the ultimate big brother. And what is Emory up to tonight? Well, she is nursing a little fall and she drifts to sleeps. Sassafras has been perpetually getting out of bed at night. Oh. My. Tonight as daddy and I were fixing ourselves dinner, after getting all three of our little loves down for the night, we heard a thud and a hard cry. Cue us both dropping everything and frantically running to her room. Talk about an acrobat. She had crawled out of her crib, turned over her trashcan, used it as a step and hoisted her little heiny up onto her changing table. She then got down the box of costume jewelry that resides on the shelf above her changing table and when I found her crying on the floor, she was adorned in necklaces, bracelets, rings and had her sequinned purse on her shoulder. Not to worry, she was mostly just offended that she fell ;) Sassy to the core.




kimberlyharvard said...

Those kids of yours are too cute! And Jack will be 4 next month and he is STILL "Baby Jack!" :)

Courtney read your comment on my blog. I think she reads your blog as well :)