Friday, February 18, 2011

Hello old friend!

Seemed like an appropriate title for this post :) Oh, how I have meant to blog. I think of posts throughout the day. In the shower, standing over the stove, changing diapers, playing "tea party" and loading the washing machine. But then... life happens. My sweet baby cries, my sassy girl unrolls a full roll of toilet paper into the bathroom sink and turns on the water, and my big boy asks for help "wiping". And yes, of course, all at the same time. And by the time various incidents like this have come in waves throughout the day, the only thing I can focus on is making it to bed. Sigh. But here's the thing. The important thing that my sweet, sweet children who will read this one day need to know. Life is grand and full and exciting and wonderful. So, so wonderful. I have completely consigned myself to never having a fully clean home and to filling my days with dress up with Emory, playing a monster to Ashton's superhero and rocking and feeding Hayes all day long. To compound blog woes further, my camera was stolen on my anniversary in December. I. miss. my. camera. I must admit that blog posts to me feel bare without photos. All this being said, my energy is slowly creeping back (thanks in part to baby Hayes sleeping longer stretches at night) and I am feeling the need to jump back on the blog wagon. Let me tell ya, these munchkins are just too precious not to capture every single moment!


Brittney Mayfield said...

Hi pretty lady! I'm new to this blog world, and decided to "follow" yours and your BEAUTIFUL family! Love it! Hope y'all are doing well! xo