Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I realize that Emory's latest update was filled with her latest milestones. However, Ashton can better be summed up simply by the things that he says. Here are a few...

There's a party in my tummy. So nummy, so nummy. (while shaking his hips)

Whenever daddy or I ask him to do something, we hear (in a sing song voice), "Just one minute!"

If he mis pronounciates something and I correct him, he says, "Oh, right. Very good, mommy."

If he hurts himself and cries, as soon as the traumatization of the injury ( ;) ) wears off, he announces, "Ashon was cwyin. Ashon huwt."

Speaking of "Ashon", this is what he calls himself. Ashton without the t. And he ALWAYS refers to himself in the third person.

Daddy and I may just have THE most polite two year old in the history of two year olds. I fully expect it to wear off anyday now. He NEVER misses a "please" or "thank you" or "I'm sorry". Most of the time he sticks an "Oh!" on the front of his polite phrase. "Oh! Thank you mommy!"

He likes to pretend. At the airport last weekend, he ran around the terminal gate with his arms outstretched and said, "Look at me! I an Ashon plane!" He always like to walk slowly toward me or daddy and say, "Grrrrrrr. I an Ashon monster!"

He calls everyone "sir". The director of his school gave him a cookie last week. The director is a woman. Upon receiving his cookie, he looked up and stated with great gusto, "You're welcome, sir!" Can't get it right every time.

He pats Emory on the head and says, "Erm-ry so cute" all the time.

He has renamed the family dog "woo woo".

One of his latest (and cutest) phrases is, "Look-e here! Look at me!"

If you cross his path, he will be telling you hello. "Oh! Hello sir!"

He likes to call Papa (my dad) on his pretend cell phone and run down his day. "Hello papa. Ashon go to school today. Ashon eat grapes. Erm-ry went night night. Ashon go on big boy potty. Ashon play with trucks. Love you papa."

He requires "dip" with anything he eats. "Dip" is either ketchup, honey mustard, syrup, bbq sauce. Whatever; it's dip. Ashon needs dip.

Ashton is such a smart little cookie. He counts in english and spanish, sings his alphabet and even recognizes some letters! However, lately, he has chosen to count in spanish, starting with cinco. Hilarious.

He tells his toys goodnight. As he is walking to his room, he is calling out, "Goodnight trucks! Goodnight animals!" and so on...

If he wants to protest something, like going to bed, he crosses his arms, furrows his adorable little brow and announces, "myself!" Not sure why.

If he is ever scared of anything, he calls it a bear. Ashton: Ashon scared. Me: why? Ashton: Bear.

Man, oh man do I love my little man. He is so smart and hilarious and sweet and I make it a daily habit of covering his little face in millions of smooches.


Jill said...

I love earing all the wonderful things about your kiddos. Ashton reminds me a lot of Kent. I love how he says Emory so cute...That is precious!!

The Kerr's said...

Thanks, Jill :) Yes, Kent and Ashton do seem a LOT alike.