Monday, April 27, 2009

Sick Boy...

Ashton has been fighting an on again/ off again throat infection for awhile. Last night he woke up at 3:08 AM. Third night in a row that he has woken up with fever and sore throat. Well, last night he was particulary warm. His temp had been running around 101.5 and since it was 3 AM, I was just going to try to rock him back to sleep after giving him his tylenol, without taking his temp. I guess you could say that my "mommy instinct" kicked in and something told me to take his temperature. Well, I did, and it was 104.8! I FREAKED. After waking daddy up, and freaking him out as well with my finding, we called the on-call pediatrician. We were instructed to give him a luke warm bath and motrin. After doing that, and giving him a bottle full of water, we watched two episodes of Mickey Mouse (I know...) and he finally drifted back to sleep. This morning I was all set to take him into the Pediatrician's office, and what happens??? He woke up with NO fever and happy as a clam! God is good!