Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Emory Anne - 4 months old

Emory Anne is 4 months old today! Oh, I love her so much. She is such a little muffin. I've actually been referring to her as my little sassy pants lately :) Emory is such a happy baby. She loves sitting and rocking with her daddy, watching Ashton play, play, play, and cuddling and smooching with mommy. I love her sweet little toes, the way she kicks her legs furiously when she thinks something is funny, the way she seems to look right into my soul when she stares at me with those huge, beautiful bright blue eyes, the way a big bow looks on her little noggin, and the way she grasps my pinky finger when she eats. We had her 4 month appointment today with Dr. Bootin, the kid's pediatrician, and she measured 75% for her weight and 90% for her height! Dr. Bootin confirmed that she is definitely cutting her two bottom front teeth, and that they should push through very soon. I can't WAIT to see her with teeth!! Emory Anne is still attached to the new type of passy that we started a few days ago, and sucked on it pretty much the whole time we were at the Dr.'s office. It came in very handy at the end of the visit, when she got her shots :( My poor little punkin. She was very brave, though, and recovered as soon as I picked her up and cuddled her. She, of course, kept her bow on during the entire Dr.'s visit, and was the only naked baby to get weighed while wearing a bow and sucking on a matching passy... my little sassy pants :)


Sheree said...

Can it be that our precious, baby Emory Anne is already 4 months old? We love her so much and miss her like crazy. It is not surprising that she is following in her mommy's good lucks and diva trendiness with matching bows & passy's.