Monday, January 07, 2008


The "G G's" (gorgeous grandmothers)

Ashton's Fairy Godmother

My (and Ashton's) wonderful Aunt Margaret

Aunt KK and Daddy playing with Ashton

Cousin Suzanne

Aunt Jordan (Ashton's wonderful Godmother) and Mommy

Ashton with Mommy, Daddy, and our Pastor, Jeremy

Ashton and Aunt Tots

Ashton was baptized on December 23rd, 2007. The same Pastor that married us, baptized him. Jeremy is also the Pastor of the church that I partially (4th grade and up) grew up in. Ashton wore his crisp, white romper with embroidery down the front that Grammie got him. It was a wonderful day filled with lots of family and friends. Daddy, Aunt Jordan (Ashton's Godmother) and I took Ashton up to the alter and stood proudly as Ashton cooed and bounced. Ashton did beautifully, just as I promised Pastor Jeremy, until he took him from Aunt Jordan to baptize him. Ashton seemed to literally lean forward into Jeremy's little microphone, which was located on his robe, and wail. He straightened up just in time for Jeremy to hold him up to the congregation for oohs and aahs. After church, everyone went back to the Porter house for a post baptism brunch.


Anonymous said...

Aw! So sweet! Love all the pictures! Wish I could have been there! I bet the service was great!!.. Miss you guys! Love stephany